CSE Professional Societies


Professional Societies


The college offers opportunities to get involved in extracurricular activities. Within the department there are student-run organizations which you can get involved in.


Computer Society of India:

Computer Society of India or CSI is the first and largest body of computer professionals in India. On March 6, 1965, a few computer professionals had initiated CSI and it has now grown to be a national body that represents computer professionals. It has 71 chapters across India, 418 student branches, and more than 90,000 members.

The Computer Society of India is a non-profit professional meet to exchange views and information learn and share ideas.


CSI faculty members of Dr.K.V. Subba Reddy Institute of Technology are:





Dr. C. GulzarAssociate Prof and HOD


Mrs. Bushra TahseenAssociate Professor(Student Branch Coordinator)


Ms. Leena ParimalaAssistant Professor and Incharge


Mr. K. Samson PaulAssistant Professor

The following events are conducted under this chapter:

1. Workshops

2. Guest Lectures

3. Technical Quiz


5. Faculty Talk

6. Debate

7. Debugging

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