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Lesson6: What classes you should take.

English Composition

It’s no secret that a good percentage of college students can’t write their way out of a cellophane cookie wrapper. Here are a couple supporting facts for this claim that come from my own experience:
I took, a 300-level business writing class during my sophomore year, everyone else in the class was a senior, and getting ready to graduate. We had to peer review other students papers, their writing would often look just like this.One of my friends thought college was spelled “coladge”. It’s not as if all his orientation papers said “College of Engineering” in the header or anything…

Personal Finance

Well, ok – maybe I lied a bit. I would not force students to take this type of class during college. I’d make them take it in high school before they can go take on a ton of crushing student loans so they can get into the “dream school” that’s their “perfect fit”.
Every semester, I’d start my personal finance class by bringing in a college grad to speak to the class.

Solution Finding

Caught amongst the mundane, like a gem trapped under a sifting desert of sand, lies a fact that never ceases to astonish me when I think about it. It is this:

Almost every person in this country possesses a small object made of plastic, metal, and glass. They carry this object with them almost all the time.

Professional Skills

Finally, I’d force each and every student to take a professional skills class. Maybe I’d call it a “how to find a job” class. I’d include all the good stuff.

Resources for learning Professional Skills

I’ve written quite a bit on professional skills and personal branding – it’s one of my main focuses here at CIG. Perhaps the best place to start would be the Personal Branding Checklist, which is a comprehensive guide on all the personal branding components that can help you get the jobs you want. It’s part of the toolkit that every CIG newsletter subscriber gets access to, so sign up in the orange box below this post to get access.

I’ve written quite a bit on professional skills and personal branding – it’s one of my main focuses here at CIG. Perhaps the best place to start would be the Personal Branding Checklist, which is a comprehensive guide on all the personal branding components that can help you get the jobs you want. It’s part of the toolkit that every CIG newsletter subscriber gets access to, so sign up in the orange box below this post to get access.

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